Executive Search

Executive Branch Manager, Major Programs in Public Sector Body

Date Posted:9 December 2024
Consultant:David Baber

Conducting an Executive Search for an Executive Branch Manager, Major Programs to lead the delivery of specific whole government large-scale development initiatives in a Public Sector Organisation.

Senior Board Directors for Humanitarian Organisation

The Brief

This public sector organisation partnered with Future Leadership™  on the search for an outstanding leader with strong record of achievement to fill the position of Executive Branch Manager, Major Programs. This pivotal role required an outstanding  leader with a strong record of achievement and an understanding of government policies, regulations and procedures related to delivery of programs with the position playing a key role in ensuring the successful execution of these programs, coordinating with various stakeholders, and driving positive outcomes for both government and the community.




Candidate net Promote Score

Future Leadership combines truly personalised relationships with innovative technology solutions to ensure an approachable and efficient process for all our Net Promoter Score across clients, successful candidates and unsuccessful candidates is well above industry standard.


Candidates supported every year

We maintain genuine relationships with past candidates and continue to support them with leadership solutions long term, after they land their role.


Senior Women Appointed since 2002

Over half of the executive search assignments undertaken by our team have resulted in the appointment of outstanding female or LGBTQI+ leaders to high profile roles.


Candidate Retention Rate for 12 months since 2002

Our thorough briefing process and ability to engage passive candidates mean that we go to great lengths to find the right person for the role – long term!

The Process

Future Leadership™, led by David Baber, executed a comprehensive executive search campaign:

  • Detailed Briefing: Collaborated with the organisation’s leadership team to understand the role’s scope, legislative requirements, and the ideal candidate profile.
  • Search Strategy Development: A targeted executive search was conducted across Australia and New Zealand and was supported by a digital advertising campaign resulting in substantial interest in the position.
  • Candidate Evaluation: Reviewed a highly competitive pool of applicants to identify leaders with strong expertise and stakeholder engagement skills. A shortlist of twelve candidates was presented with five candidates progressing to panel interviews.
  • Structured Selection Process: Facilitated multiple rounds of panel interviews with shortlisted candidates, supported by comprehensive reference checks.

The Outcome

Future Leadership™ successfully appointed a seasoned professional as the new Executive Branch Manager, Major Programs.

The appointment reinforced Future Leadership’s expertise in securing top-tier talent for critical public sector roles, contributing to strategic advancements in community safety.


David Baber

Partner, Executive Search View Profile
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