Conducting an Executive Search to ensure to optimisation of education provided to trainees and fellows of this prestigious medical college.

The Brief
The Executive General Manager Education position was created to ensure the optimisation of education provided to the trainees and fellows of this prestigious medical college. With the college focussed on training and maintaining standards across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, the position of Executive General Manager Education has a primary role in influencing and shaping what is the core business of the College.
For this highly strategic role, the College sought a unique profile of candidate – someone who is not only a global leader in Medical Education, but someone who has an academic as well as clinical background. Additionally the organisation sought strong management and leadership experience.
Candidate net Promote Score
Future Leadership combines truly personalised relationships with innovative technology solutions to ensure an approachable and efficient process for all our Net Promoter Score across clients, successful candidates and unsuccessful candidates is well above industry standard.
Candidates supported every year
We maintain genuine relationships with past candidates and continue to support them with leadership solutions long term, after they land their role.
Senior Women Appointed since 2002
Over half of the executive search assignments undertaken by our team have resulted in the appointment of outstanding female or LGBTQI+ leaders to high profile roles.
Candidate Retention Rate for 12 months since 2002
Our thorough briefing process and ability to engage passive candidates mean that we go to great lengths to find the right person for the role – long term!
The Process
The Future Leadership team met with key stakeholders to complete a comprehensive brief for this global search. The consultant team developed a search strategy search targeting individuals with experience in the design of contemporary medical education, particularly in the post graduate realm.
The ideal candidate required a broad, global future-oriented mindset with a commitment to quality and innovation. Future Leadership targeted high calibre potential candidates from similar medical colleges and services across Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Canada and the USA. The short-list presented to the College included candidates from Australia, the United Kingdom and the USA.
Future Leadership facilitated video conference interview for all five candidates resulting in two appointable candidates, one from the United Kingdom and one from the USA. Future Leadership also coordinated all aspects of a four-day visit to Melbourne for the preferred candidate, ensuring alignment not only with the organisation and position but also setting the foundation for a smooth relocation experience.
Emerging Capabilities
Strategy and Purpose
Develops and leads strategy for the function/organisation, taking a broad and long-term perspective. Understands and considers context. Communicates and gains buy-in to the function/organisation goals, direction and vision, promoting change initiatives.
Adaptability and Resilience
Demonstrates positivity, curiosity, and the ability to pivot when confronted with change, pressure, adversity and disruption. Responsive to strategic environmental, social and corporate challenges and opportunities.
Culture and Engagement
Fosters a positive culture, creating a sense of belonging and inclusiveness. Creates an environment that encourages diverse perspectives and facilitates a psychologically safe environment.
Sustainability, Ethics and Integrity
Prioritises the environment in making decisions and leading others. Operates with integrity and aligns self to a high standard of social, cultural and professional standards of conduct. Adheres to moral and ethical principles. Draws on values to inform behaviour.
Stakeholder Relations
Establishes rapport with stakeholders, builds and sustains trusted and collaborative relationships. Identifies and draws on relevant and diverse perspectives and integrates them to support productive interactions.
Critical Thinking
Gathers and examines different data points, testing for assumptions and gaps in logic; reframes problems and presents well-reasoned insights considering diverse perspectives. Analyses, interprets and objectively evaluates information enabling judgements.
The Outcome
The successful appointee had previously held a position as paediatric consultant in the UK National Health Service (NHS), demonstrating over 20 years of experience in healthcare delivery and the development of an academic career in medical education. The appointees expertise had been recognised internationally with their research influencing regulatory bodies around the world. Prior appointments included an Honorary Professor in Medical Education Research at the University of Plymouth, an Honorary Consultant Paediatrician with Plymouth Hospital NHS Trust and being awarded the Chair in Medical Education Research.
Following their commencement with the College in November 2018 the incumbent was appointed Adjunct Professor, Monash Institute for Health and Clinical Education at Monash University. They stayed at RACS for almost three and a half years and has since become the Head of School at Griffith University’s School of Medicine and Dentistry.