Executive Search

Mr Brett Heffernan has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Private Hospital Association

Date Posted:30 October 2024
Author:Deborah Komesaroff

Appointed: Brett Heffernan

Position: Chief Executive Officer

Organisation: Australasian Private Hospital Association


Mr Brett Heffernan was appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Private Hospital Association and commenced on 14 October 2024. As CEO, Brett will build on the legacy of a long time CEO and drive continuing support and impact for members now and into the future. He will also play an active role in engagement with policy makers, legislators and regulators, exchanging information and knowledge. and influencing for positive industry outcomes.

Brett is equipped with a background in media, journalism and communications, having built a career traversing multiple peak bodies as well as government. He offers experience across a variety of industries which underpins his ability to bring creative and positive solutions to the table and displays a confident and straight-forward style.

Brett is returning to APHA, where he was Public Affairs Manager from 2002-2006, having spent the past two and a half years as CEO of peak industry body, Gas Energy Australia. Brett was also previously CEO of the Brewers Association of Australia from 2017-2020 following leading communications roles with the National Farmers’ Federation and was a former Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of The Nationals.

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