Mental health is the currency of the knowledge economy, underpinning key drivers such as innovation, collaboration, productivity and inclusion.
This mental health whitepaper offers a curation of latest anecdotal workplace data when it comes to leadership mental health, key extracts from relevant reports, combined with actions and initiatives to help leaders move confidently forward towards a mentally healthy and productive workplace.
Disclosure of a mental health condition remains very low in most workplaces. A psychologically safe culture that promotes mental health must first be championed by leaders. This includes Boards as well as Executives. It can no longer be the responsibility of the Human Resources team alone. Strong governance, risk management and investment is crucial particularly in the face of events such as a pandemic, when increased vigilance must to be sustained.
The highest performing workplaces have one thing in common: psychosocial safety. When people feel safe, they are engaged and committed to their work, and this builds organisational resilience.
Mental health literacy is essential for leaders. The way we think defines the way we work, and the way we work will define our future.
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Future Leadership is a capability ecosystem preparing boards and executives for the future.