Executive Search

Facilities Manager Appointment for a Premier Medical Research Institute

Date Posted:30 January 2025
Consultant:Sandra Kerr

Appointing experienced Facilities Manager at a Leading Medical Research Institute that conducts world leading and ground-breaking medical research, developing treatments from the latest breakthroughs and translating them into real-world treatments in real time.


Research (1)

The Brief

Having built a strong partnership throughout the search processes and appointments of the Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director of Clinical Trials, a leading medical research institute engaged Future Leadership in 2022 to undertake the search and appointment of a experienced and talented Facilities Manager.

The institute sought a highly credible leader who could demonstrate experience within a Medical Research Institute or health/university sector facility, the successful candidate was to ideally have a background in engineering and /or science, with the ability to build strong relationships both across the institute and external environment. The successful Facilities Manager would be responsible for managing the facility and the built environment and actively manage service arrangements to enable the facility to function effectively and to the expectations of research teams and operational requirements.


Candidate net Promote Score

Future Leadership combines truly personalised relationships with innovative technology solutions to ensure an approachable and efficient process for all our Net Promoter Score across clients, successful candidates and unsuccessful candidates is well above industry standard.


Candidates supported every year

We maintain genuine relationships with past candidates and continue to support them with leadership solutions long term, after they land their role.


Senior Women Appointed since 2002

Over half of the executive search assignments undertaken by our team have resulted in the appointment of outstanding female or LGBTQI+ leaders to high profile roles.


Candidate Retention Rate for 12 months since 2002

Our thorough briefing process and ability to engage passive candidates mean that we go to great lengths to find the right person for the role – long term!

The Process

Future Leadership conducted an extensive search process, combined with an online advertising campaign.

Known individuals in the market were approached, and connections with the referral partner network were utilised to identify other highly qualified candidates. Future Leadership™ assembled a specialised search team, and an experienced research and administration team, to lead the process.

Key steps included:

  • Targeted Search and Talent Pooling: A comprehensive briefing was undertaken with the CEO and Institute Director, during which key success factors around leadership, strategy, stakeholder engagement and operational delivery were discussed. Future Leadership maintains strong candidate pools and contacts and utilises these in making direct contact with potential candidates and sources of further referrals.
  • Comprehensive Shortlisting: The search targeted high calibre candidates with specific and relevant experience gained in Medical Research Institutes across Australia and New Zealand. Individuals where in other complex environments (health or universities) who also have experience within Medical Research Institutes and returning candidates from overseas who have experience in Medical Institutes and an understanding of the environment locally. The search also included individuals who were specifically referred to Future Leadership by our client  and any internal candidates who came forward. A detailed shortlist was presented with candidates progressing to panel interviews.
  • Panel Interviews and Strategic Presentation:  A preferred candidate was identified and Future Leadership subsequently coordinated all further meetings, including managing all negotiations between the organisation and the candidate.

The process was completed with 360-degree reference checks and full reports provided to the client for consideration.


The Outcome

The successful candidate, an experienced Facility / Property Operations Manager presenting with a strong understanding of working in very clinical environment was appointed to the position of Facilities Manager.

The appointed Facilities Manager is expected to actively manage service arrangements to enable the facility to function effectively and to the expectations of research teams and operational requirements.



Sandra Kerr

Associate Partner, Executive Search View Profile
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