
Developing leadership capability for a global manufacturing organisation

Date Posted:23 January 2025
Consultant:Dr Marcele De Sanctis

Leadership capability program for a global manufacturing organisation. Developing future-ready leaders through a tailored framework and innovative tools.


Organisational Capability

The Brief

A leading industrial manufacturing organisation’s Vice President of Organisational Capability commenced a program of work to redesign the organisation’s global leadership capability framework, ensuring it aligned with purpose, strategy and required future ways of working.

Following design, a program of work was scoped to implement the framework across various contexts including recruitment, selection, talent management, succession planning, leadership and team development. Future Leadership was invited, along with two leading consultancies Egon Zehnder and Bendelta, to partner with the Organisational Capability team on this entire global program of work.


Improved Employee Engagement

Companies that undergo successful organisational transformation experience a 30% increase in employee engagement. Engaged employees are more productive, less likely to leave, and contribute to a positive workplace culture.

Reference: McKinsey & Company, "The People Power of Transformations" (2018)



Organisations that successfully implement transformation initiatives see an average 25% improvement in their financial performance, including revenue growth and profitability.

Reference: BCG, "The Role of Leadership in Transformation" (2020)


Return on Investment (ROI)

Transformation projects with effective change management practices are six times more likely to meet their objectives and achieve a 143% return on investment (ROI).

Reference: Prosci, "Best Practices in Change Management" (2019)


Reduced Time to Market

Organisations that undergo successful digital transformation reduce their time to market by 20-50%, allowing them to bring products and services to customers faster and stay competitive in rapidly changing markets.

Reference: Deloitte, "Digital Transformation: A Roadmap for Billion-Dollar Organizations" (2021)

The Process

Future Leadership™ worked with the organisation to:

Conduct research into the leadership capabilities required for leading in a post-COVID workplace. Over 500 organisation leaders globally completed an online survey measuring leadership challenges, skills rated as important and skills requiring development.

Leverage these research insights and help co-design a new framework that followed a global definition of leadership capability and potential. We designed the implementation for the framework which involved:

  • Creation of a Global Insights Framework mapping curated assessment tools to framework capabilities;
  • Creation of a suite of learning modules related to the framework and the various ways in which it could be applied. Content included Assessing Leadership, Ethics and Governance, Development, Recruitment, overview of Assessment Fact Sheets, how to work with psychometrics.
  • These modules were rolled out across the global HR community through live facilitation, online learning and self-paced modules;
  • Creation of a customised 360 tool, housed on Profiling Online’s platform, to enable leaders to assess against the framework;
  • Creation of a Group Data Framework outlining the processes, systems and governance of managing group data insights (i.e., mass data collected through psychometrics during recruitment, group data reports, etc).
  • The development of the Aspire Leadership Development Program – this comprises completion of the 360 framework, a measure of technical competence, line manager conversations, program sponsorship and peer coaching circles.
  • Lastly, Future Leadership were invited to work across the technical functions (HSE, Legal, Finance, Manufacturing Excellence, Strategic Marketing and Digital) to help develop technical competency frameworks, ensure alignment of these frameworks and design technical assessment rubrics to inform the Aspire program. ​

The Advisory Team's Impact Across Clients Through Survey Feedback

32% Increase in Self Awareness

Individuals’ awareness of motives, values, strengths and development needs

21% Increase in Motivation

Individuals’ motivation to apply learning, insight and further develop

27% Increase in Confidence

Individuals’ confidence in their abilities and impact as a leader

30% Increase in Role Clarity

Individuals’ clarity around success factors associated with their role

The Outcome

Future Leadership has played a key role in executing their organisational capability vision and aligning the contributions of the function to the company’s Purpose, Bond and Culture.

We are also the organisation’s partner for all selection assessment in the ASEAN region and continue to support the organisation on an ongoing basis.


Dr Marcele De Sanctis

Managing Partner View Profile
Client Testimonial:

Future Leadership have been a valued partner of the organisation for 2 years, helping us to better understand our leadership capability and future needs. Marcele has a unique ability to create intimate understanding of our internal stakeholders and speak directly to their priority concerns with pragmatism and respect. The Future Leadership team are responsive and creative in the value they bring, going beyond initial briefs to bring us macro themes and insights that help us to learn and prepare our leaders for the future. Future Leadership are more than just a partner – they are a true member of our team” 

VP, Organisational Capability
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